Sunday, April 17, 2011

October 21, 1945

Vol.I No.18-Masses during the week: Today at 8 for Nicholas and Margaret Shannon. 
Monday at 7 for Margaret Bastian. 7:30 R.H. Mass for Lt. Thomas Scheurell
Tuesday at 7 R.H. Mass for Henry Cummings. 7:30 for Louis Bronnenkant
Wednesday at 7 for Elizabeth Phelan. 7:30 for Lieut. William Neil Flood
Thursday at 7 R.H. Mass for Mrs. Marg Downs. 7:30 for Elizabeth Cummings
Friday at 7 R.H. Mass for Herbert Kuhagen. 7:30 An R.H. Mass for Mrs. Mary Bepler
Saturday at 6:35 For the School Society. 7:30 R.H. Mass for Joseph Lerick.

At a recent meeting of the Delavan Council the Knights of Columbus gave evidence of their strong faith, and loyalty to the teachings of the Church. As a demonstration of their support of Catholic Education they voted to raise $5000.00 for the building of St. Andrew's Parochial School. This is Catholic Action in its fullest flower. May God bless the Knights in all their work.

September 9, 1945

Vol.I,No.12-St. Andrew's School reopened last Tuesday morning with an increased enrollment. The Kindergarten has 12, Grade 1 has 13; Grade 2 has 15; Grade 3 has 9; and Grade 4 has 9. A total of 58 children. This represents an increase of 7 over the top enrollment of last year which was 51. Actually it represents an increase of 14 because was lost 7 children last year through the removal of families. It does show a healthful growth. 

Next Sunday will be Children's Communion Day, and it would be to the spiritual advantage of the parents as well as of the children if the parents would bestir themselves enough to see that their children went to Confession on Saturday, and received Holy Communion at the 8 o'clock Mass on Sunday.

July 29, 1945


St. Andrews has been singularly blessed by Almighty God in its Benefactors. To them we are indebted vastly beyond our ability to repay, except in prayerful gratitude. This year has proved no exception. You will have noted the painting, and other repairs on the Church building. Th entire cost of this work, $1500.00, is being paid by two very generous souls whose zeal for the dignity of the Lord's Temple can only be measured, and rewarded by the Master Himself, and we may rest assured that the blessing of God will be theirs. We promise them our grateful prayers.

We are adding another Grade to our School this year, the Fourth Grade. This means considerable expense for remodeling the Doyle Building, and for supplies and equipment. Here again, our Benefactors are at hand. The same exceedingly generous friend who has borne the entire expense of furnishing all the Grades in our School again stands ready to assume the burden for the Fourth Grade. May God bless these kindly, generous Friends. What they do for God's House, and for God's children certainly is done for God Himself. And you know what Christ said about giving a cup of cold water in His Name.

All of these benefactors are from friends who are not members of the Parish.

-Father Mc Dermott


Being late for appointments is an act of discourtesy at any time. When you are late for Mass, you are discourteous to Christ.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

June 24, 1945 - The First St. Andrew Bulletin

Vol.I No.1-THE PARISH BULLETIN makes its formal bow to the members of the Congregation today with earnest hope that it will be of service to all who frequent St. Andrew's Church. In it, you will find all the usual Sunday announcements, the schedule of Daily Masses, and as many other items of information and instruction as may well be crowded into its not too ample form. It will afford the members of the Congregation and all friends of St. Andrew's, a simple, but reliable current history of the Parish and its people. We bespeak your generous consideration for it.

Until further notice Sunday Masses will be at 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 o'clock. All Masses begin promptly at the time appointed.